Request Tracker

Capture and track requests along with related tasks using our powerful request tracker.

request tracker illustration

A Request Tracker That's Both Simple and Powerful

Request tracking refers to the historical and real-time tracking of requests and tasks associated with a business process, including status and performance. Using a request tracker as part of an automation platform to define and track request processes ensures standards are followed, and performance is optimized. This is one of the most practical solutions for improving request efficiency available.

request tracker
Track all Tasks and Requests (click for larger)

Historical vs. Real-Time Tracking

Real-Time Tracking

Real-time tracking in a request tracking system like Integrify is done via KPI dashboards and live process view. KPI dashboards provide up-to-the-minute metrics tracking in an easily digestible format like charts and gauges. The live process view allows users to see an entire process visually and where it currently stands.

KPI tracker
Process Tracking KPI 

Historical Tracking

Historical request tracking is done via audit trails and reports. This includes detailed information about what actions have been taken, by whom, and when. Audit trails provide this depth of information on a single instance of a process, while reports provide tracking information in aggregate. (Read more about Process Audit Trails and Process Reporting.)

Typically, these tools are used retroactively to understand what happened vs. "what's happening now?" These tools are essential for businesses in regulated industries such as finance, health care, aerospace, etc.

tracker audit trail
Audit Trail

Transparency for Employees and Managers

While we've focused primarily on the benefits of tracking requests from a managerial perspective, there is also great benefit in allowing employees and other end-users to track their own processes and requests. By allowing users to check the status of a request they've submitted for additional budget, they no longer need to send emails, make phone calls, or call meetings to understand where the request is in the process.

Configurable Automation Including Alerts and Reminders

With Integrify you can optimize request intake to ensure requests are easy to complete with all required request information and then routed correctly through multiple tiers of review. Configure alerts, reminders, and escalations that make sense for each type of request and keep the process moving forward. Use email integration to manage incoming requests without forms automatically.

tracking requests
Example of Tracking a Request (Click for detail)

Request Process Automation

Since many business processes rely on tools like email, spreadsheets, homegrown systems, and static process maps, maintaining process transparency is often tricky. The key to eliminating guesswork is to embrace workflow automation to enforce request process standards and track project tasks and workflows.

When all business workflow is on one platform:

  • Executives can get a top-down view of business performance
  • Managers can address bottlenecks, errors, and other workflow issues
  • Staff can see the status of their requests and reduce confusion
  • Administrators can engage in continuous process improvement
  • Leverage automation and detailed permissions
  • Track and manage customer requests
  • Highly-configurable automation tools
  • Email integration

A Cloud-Based Tracking Solution is Better

By moving the entire request process to the cloud, you can avoid the additional maintenance of your web servers and run the system on any operating system 24X7. If you prefer, you can run our tracking system on managed hosting. 

Interested in Tracking Requests Better?

We have a variety of resources to help you on your journey to business process compliance: 

Automate Request Tracking

To see how quickly you can begin automating your request processes and tasks, request a demonstration or trial of Integrify.

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