Flowchart Friday: Discover Your Quarantine Personality

By Katy Reid | Published June 11, 2021

Happy Friday! It's been a long year since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and I think we all can agree that we've learned a lot about ourselves since then. Many of us have picked up a new hobby, developed cabin fever, spent a lot of time with loved ones, and definitely completed more puzzles than we'd like to admit. Needless to say, a lot can happen in a year, so for this week's Flowchart Friday you can find out what kind of quarantine personality you have or have developed! 


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Flowchart Friday   quaratine   pandemic   personality  

Flowchart Friday  

Katy Reid

Katy is a member of the Integrify Marketing team and writes on a variety of subjects for the Integrify blog as well as managing Integrify's social media presence.