Flowchart Friday: Are You on the Naughty or Nice List?

By Toni Buffa | Published December 17, 2021

Let me ask you a personal question. Do you think you're a good person? Woah, we didn't mean to get so deep in the first two sentences of this blog. According to the shopping cart theory, if you return your cart back to the store entrance or designated cart collection area after shopping, you’re a good person!

Let me set up a scenario for you - you're all finished with your holiday shopping. You just left your favorite store, maybe Target, T.J. Maxx, or Marshalls, you load your items out of your cart into the trunk... now what? Be honest! Do you leave your cart near your parking space off to the side or ramped up on the curb? Or do you put your cart back in the designated rack, or even better, bring it back to the store? Think about the last time you went shopping and follow this flow chart to see what list you are put on this holiday season! 

shopping cart flowchart

Flowchart Friday  

Toni Buffa

Toni is a member of the Integrify marketing team and writes for the Integrify blog. Toni lives in Colorado and loves animals of all stripes.