Customer Tips: What are some form tips you always recommend?

By Toni Buffa | Published September 20, 2022

Integrify uses Forms as the primary means to gather information from users during the execution of a process. You may define as many forms as you need within Integrify and you can also present multiple forms within a single process if necessary. When creating a new form, you need to take a step back and start with the end goal in mind. If you are working off a paper form that you currently use, ask yourself if this form could include different variables that could make it more user-friendly. 

After speaking with some Integrify experts, I have the top 3 tips for creating your first form, or a brand new form!

1. Map out the process first

If you read our last tips blog, What’s the Best Way to Get Started Building Processes, we recommend that a great first step is to lay out all the steps in your process that your form will be attached to. Lay out the steps, map your steps, plan the rules, and have your end goal in mind. 

2. Start with detail gathering 

Once you have a vision of who this form could potentially flow to, you need to meet individually with each person in the workflow to understand what their part in the workflow consists of. While meeting with them be sure to: 

  • Get a copy of the form(s) or screenshots of any data entry that is done for each step
  • Take note of any potential overlaps, bottlenecks or dual data entry points that you notice

This way, you'll have a clear picture of all the fields you need to capture and see if you will need more than one form in your process. 

New customer? Check out our Integrify-specific onboarding help page.

3. It's ok if your initial form isn't perfect

When creating your first form, it's okay if the first idea you have doesn't initially work out. When replacing manual steps with powerful automation, you will find the endless possibilities that workflow automation will bring. A form that you are replicating may be able to do more than you think! For instance:

  • Showing and hiding fields/sections based on user input.
  • Pre-filling fields with existing information (from your CRM system or elsewhere).
  • Breaking up a long form into a "wizard-based" series of forms.
  • Performing calculations right in the form (for instance, totalling up expenses).

Integrify also has a growing list of process apps available to our customers. They are free and downloadable processes that you can import and customize. They include all the tasks and forms you need. These process apps may be helpful for you to show prebuilt forms and see the possibilities available to you. If you need some ideas about everything you can automate with Integrify – check out all of these processes our customers have automated on our platform. 

Time to get building! 

When you are ready to start building your first form, check out our Help Site video on Basic Form Building to watch our Customer Success Specialist, Danielle, walk you through form building. Afterward, see some other ways you can ensure your request forms are both user-friendly and meet the needs of the process they're part of in this blog post, How to Make Better Request Forms.

Using Integrify   Workflow Ideas  

Toni Buffa

Toni is a member of the Integrify marketing team and writes for the Integrify blog. Toni lives in Colorado and loves animals of all stripes.