Use Case of the Month: Performance Review Process

By Toni Buffa | Published August 22, 2022

Regular performance reviews provide employees with a consistent, repeatable process for setting goals and receiving feedback on their performance. By automating this process with Integrify removes confusion about the process and ensures each employee's experience is clear and consistent.

We've built this Process App based on discussions with customers and prospects about how their processes work, but it can be customized to fit your organization's needs.

How it works

This process walks an employee and supervisor through the process of establishing goals and then evaluating performance against those goals.

The employee begins the process by creating four goals for the evaluation period. These goals are then sent to their supervisor, who reviews the employee's goals and provides a final version. Once the goals are approved, a PDF is generated containing both the employee's submitted goals and the supervisor's final goals.

A trigger is then set to begin the performance evaluation at a later date*. Once that date is reached, the employee is alerted to provide a self-assessment against each of their goals for the period along with a score.

The employee's supervisor receives the self-assessment and provides comments and a final score for each goal. The supervisor also completes a scorecard rating the employee against the company values. 

When the evaluation is complete, a PDF is created and the employee is notified.

Performance Review Process

(Click for larger)

Goal Setting Form

(Click for larger)

Performance Assessment Form

(Click for larger)

This process app can be downloaded and imported into your Integrify instance. The downloadable .json file is at the bottom of this page on our help site. For this Process App, you'll also need to download the two PDF templates. 

Performance Review Process   Process apps   Using Integrify  

Using Integrify   Industry Focus   Project Management   Workflow Ideas  

Toni Buffa

Toni is a member of the Integrify marketing team and writes for the Integrify blog. Toni lives in Colorado and loves animals of all stripes.