Interstate Cargo Case Study

By Toni Buffa | Published October 20, 2022

Interstate Cargo is a utility trailer dealership and the parent company of the retail store, TrailersPlus. They are a growing company with multiple new stores opening and ongoing hiring. Most of Interstate Cargo's existing processes involved a heavy amount of email. "The need to get away from these processes being done within emails became more apparent each day. The drive for organized and structured systems naturally came to the forefront as our company grew." That is when the hunt for an automation platform began.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Robert Kiernan, Software Developer/IT Operations at Interstate about their automation journey with Integrify. Read the full case study here

Case Studies   Customer Case Studies   integrify case study   interstate cargo  

Customer Corner   Using Integrify  

Toni Buffa

Toni is a member of the Integrify marketing team and writes for the Integrify blog. Toni lives in Colorado and loves animals of all stripes.