On-Premise Workflow Management Software

Keep your workflow management local with self-managed solutions from Integrify.

on premise workflow automation software

On-Premise Workflow Software Is Still Needed

Integrify's On-Premise (Self-Manged) workflow automation software option gives you the full functionality of Integrify on your own servers or private cloud. By installing a server license in less than an hour, Integrify customers can seamlessly integrate workflow and business process management into their existing on-premises environments.

A corporate policy may require that you need to install Integrify on your own servers, or you may also want to integrate with existing internal applications, like Active Directory for user management. Not a problem. Many Integrify customers have successfully deployed Integrify's self-managed solution if you prefer to install it locally or in your own cloud environment.

All of our self-managed server licenses are fully backed by the same subscription contracts as our cloud option and we have configuration options available for Named, Concurrent, or Unlimited Users.

Why You'd Want Your Software on Your Own Servers or Cloud

You might choose to install our software on your own premises if you are required to integrate with systems that cannot be exposed to the Internet or your corporate policy requires that your data reside within your company’s firewalls. Integration with Active Directory is also available with the On-premises option. This option requires internal IT resources to install, configure and maintain the app server(s). Hardware or virtual hardware is required to run the system. 

Several factors will be involved in the actual size of your specific Integrify installation:

  • Number of concurrent users (impact: application server traffic and database concurrent connections)
  • The volume of requests (impact: database connections, size of database)
  • Size and complexity of individual processes (impact: database size)
  • Size of attachments attached to requests (impact: application server disk space)

The primary factors in sizing, however, will be the number of concurrent users/transactions and the size of the process (i.e. number of tasks/complexity). The larger the process and the larger the number of requests for that process translates into more processing required on the application server as well as the database server.

Requirements for Installing Integrify's Self-Managed Solution

Note: You can view the full requirements on our Help site.

  • Windows 2008 R2 Server, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server, or 2019 (any edition)
  • IIS 7+, The minimum IIS feature configuration needed is below.
    • Web Server (IIS)
      • Web Server
        • Common HTTP Features
          • Default Document
          • Directory Browsing
          • HTTP Errors
          • Static Content
        • Security
          • Request Filtering
          • Basic Authentication
        • Application Development
          • .NET Extensibility
          • .NET 4.x
          • ISAPI Extensions
          • ISAPI Filters

Interested in Automating Your Workflow with an On Prem Solution?

We have a variety of resources to help you on your journey to an automated workflow.

Looking for an On-Premise Workflow Solution?

To see how quickly you can begin automating your business processes, request a demonstration or trial of Integrify.

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